a- Knowledge and Understanding :-
a1- Acquire recent concepts and elements of data warehousing techniques.
a2- Describe new data mining both from a business and technology prospective.
a3- Determine relational database and object oriented data modeling.
a4- Provide an in depth understanding of tools used in decision support.
a5- Describe a view of the nature of data in the data-warehouse and DBMS tools. SQL.
b-Intellectual Skills :-
b1- Formulate data warehouse situation.
b2- Synthesize the differences between operational and decision support systems.
b3- evaluate and use the dimensional modeling technique for designing a data warehouse.
c-Professional Skills :-
c1- practice the architecture of a data warehouse.
c2- Demonstrate the project planning aspect of building a data warehouse.
d-General Skills :-
d1- Use OLAP analysis with contemporary analysis and visualization tools.
d2- Understand and explain the purpose of data mining.
d3- Understand the knowledge discovery process and Understand several different data mining techniques such as market basket analysis, clustering, genetic algorithms, as well as which kinds of problems these techniques are applicable to.