IS616 محتويات مقرر
تم التحديث آخر مرة في .
4- Course Content :-
- Introduction: Models, methodologies, and processes.
- Broad themes (search, induction, querying, approximation, and compression).
- Discrete Structures :-Item set mining. Concept lattices. Borders and level wise theories.- Condensed representations.
- Frequent pattern mining. Re-description mining.
- Graphs and other structures. Combinatorial tiles.
- Customized data structures for speeding up data mining algorithms.
- Attribute-Value Learning Techniques: Decision trees. Decision lists. Classification and regression trees.
- Association rules. Correlations. Rule-based mining. Sequential versus simultaneous paradigms.
- Relational Mining Techniques: Inductive logic programming. Main approaches to ILP.
- Rule induction, beam search, logical decision trees.
- Inverse resolution, relative least general generalization.
- Operators for efficient search of relational spaces.
- Comparative merits of attribute value and relational mining techniques.
- Domain theories and incorporating prior background knowledge.
- Probabilistic Techniques: Conditional independence and its modeling. Inference and representational complexity.
- Sequences and order: Total and partial orders.
- Episodes and event streams. Frequent episode mining.
- Order-theoretic methods. Modeling sequential data.
- Discovering sequence information from non-sequential data. Connections with HMMs.
- Bi-clustering. Compositional data mining.
- Mining chains of relations.
- Integrated query/mining languages.
- Paradigms for interfacing with database systems.
- Applications: Data mining applications in bioinformatics, personalization, information retrieval, web modeling, filtering, and text processing.