كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

نتائج مقرر Computational Cognitive Science

3- Intended Learning Outcome :-

a- Knowledge and Understanding :-

a1- Know how the stages of projects are managed within differing methodologies, and the implications for adherence to quality assurance standards.

a2- Know about the integration of knowledge of information technologies into functioning solutions, and evolution of standards.

a3- Draw on formal models from classic and contemporary artificial intelligence.

a4- Understand the essential mathematics relevant to information technology.

a5- Know kinds of data must be available to human learners, and what kinds of innate knowledge (if any) must they have.   

b-Intellectual Skills :-

b1- Apply understanding, judgment, and analytical skills to the solution of a wide range of information technology problems.

b2- Explore fundamental issues in human knowledge representation, inductive learning and reasoning.

b3- Design Simple Bayesian Learning.

c-Professional Skills :-

c1- Perfect the basic and modern professional skills in information technology.

c2- Act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks.

d-General Skills :-

d1- Communicate efficiently by different means.

d2- Make competent decisions in complex and unpredictable situations.

d3- Identify areas of research and formulate research questions.

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