كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

محتويات مقرر Detection and Estimation Theory

 Course Content :-

  • Part I Detection Theory:Hypothesis testing: Likelihood Ratio Test, Bayes’ Criterion,  Minimax  Criterion,  Neyman-Pearson  Criterion, Sufficient Statistics, Performance Evaluation.
  • Multiple hypothesis testing.
  • Composite hypothesis testing.
  • Sequential detection.
  • Detection of known signals in white noise.
  • Detection of known signals in colored noise.
  • Detection of signals with unknown parameters.
  • Non-parametric detection.
  • Part II Estimation Theory: Bayesian parameter estimation.
  • Non-Bayesian parameter estimation.
  • Properties of estimators: sufficient statistics, bias, consistency, efficiency, Cramer-Rao bounds.
  • Linear Mean-Square Estimation.
  • Waveform Estimation.

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