اساليب تقييم مقرر الفيزياء

5- TeachingandLearningMethods

5.1- Lectures  (knowledge and understanding).         

5.2- Practical Training / Laboratory  (Practical skills).

5.3- Class Activities (assignments)    (intellectual skills & general skills).

5.4- Class Work (Projects) (Practical skills & general skills).

6- Teaching and Learning Methods for Students with Special Needs.

There are no Special Needs students.

 7-StudentAssessment :-

a-Proceduresused :-

to assess progress on students' learning, effectiveness of course materials, and approaches to instruction


to assess level of knowledge acquisition and concepts understanding that can be used as a feedback for enhancing the learning process

Mid-Term exam

to assess the level of understanding for the concepts and terminology behind physics.

Oral exam

to assess application of skills and experience gained during labs.

Practical exam

to assess the overall level of understanding of concepts and problem solving techniques learned throughout the course.

Final exam

b-Schedule :-

Assessment 1


Weekly starting from 2nd week

Assessment 2

Mid-Term exam

Week 7

Assessment 3

Practical exam

Week 15

Assessment 4

Final Exam

Week 16

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