اساليب تقييم مقرر IS626

5- Teaching and Learning Methods :-

  1. Lectures (knowledge and understanding).
  2. Class  assignments , discussions and presentation  (intellectual skills).
  3. Project (practical skills).

6- Teaching and Learning Methods for Students with Special Needs :-

Before the lesson :-

  • Pre-teach difficult vocabulary and concepts.
  • State the objective, providing a reason for listening.
  • Teach the mental activities involved in listening — mental note-taking, questioning, reviewing.
  • Provide study guides/worksheets and lecture outlines.

During the lesson :-

  • Provide visuals via the board or overhead.
  • Have the student take notes.
  • Give explanations in small, distinct steps.
  • Provide written as well as oral directions.
  •  Allow gifted students to design and follow through on self-initiated projects. Have them pursue questions of their own choosing.
  • Provide gifted students with lots of open-ended activities—activities for which there are no right or wrong answers or any preconceived notions.

7-Student Assessment :-

a-Procedures used :-

  •  Assignments to assess Progress on students' learning, effectiveness of course materials and  approaches to instruction.
  • Application project to assess Performance of the student, learning a new tool and using it to comprehend main concepts  of software engineering.

b-Schedule :-

Assessment 1                               Assignment                       Week 3

Assessment 2                               Assignment                       Week 5

Assessment 3                               Assignment                       Week 9         

Assessment 4                              Project                              Week 10

Assessment 5                              Final exam                        Week 16

c-Weighing of Assessment :-

Final-term Examination                                 60%

Semester Work                                             40%

Other types of assessment                               --

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