كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

محتويات مقرر Coding Theory

 Course Content :-

  • Basic information theory.
  • Algebraic coding theory.
  • Convolutional codes.
  • Turbo codes.
  • Space-time codes.
  • Fundamentals of Channel Coding.
  • Communication Systems and Errors.
  • Successive Refinement coding.
  • Decoding Algorithms and Complexity.
  • Introduction to Abstract Algebra, Linear Code.
  • Bounds on the optimal size of codes.
  • Introductory Abstract Algebra and The Theory of Finite Fields (Galois Fields).
  • Classical Algebraic, Block Error Control Codes and Applications.
  • Hamming codes, Reed-Muller codes and BCH and Reed-Solomon (RS) codes.
  • Applications of error control code: correction, compression, distributed coding and distance measures.

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