كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

Algorithmic Graph Theoryنتائج مقرر

3- Intended Learning Outcome :-

a- Knowledge and Understanding :-

Students who complete the course will have the ability to :-

a1- Understand the basic concepts of graphs, directed graphs, and weighted graphs.

a2- Understand the properties of bipartite graphs, particularly in trees.

a3- Understand the concept of colorings and theory.

a4- Understand Eulerian and Hamitonian graphs.

a5- Understand the concept of plane graph and theory.

b- Intellectual Skills :-

Students who complete the course will have the ability to :-

b1- Apply shortest path algorithm to solve Postman Problem.

b2- Apply coloring algorithms to color a given graph or to find its chromatic polynomial.

b3- Present a graph by matrices.

b4- Find a minimal spanning tree for a given weighted graph.

b5- Apply the knowledge of graph to solve the real life problem.

c-Professional Skills :-

Knowledge of the concepts and material presented in this course will provide the students with practical know-how to :-

c1- Develop and apply simple algorithms to solve problems or prove theorems.

c2- Prove the correctness of certain standard graph-theoretic algorithms.

c3- Characterize planar graphs and prove the five-color theorem. 

d-General Skills :-

Knowledge of the concepts and material presented in this course will provide the students with the capability to :-

d1- Creatively solve work problems.

d2- Overcome obstacles to achieve an ambition.

d3- Be capable of applying both traditional and new concepts and skills.

d4- Think creatively, laterally and independently.

d5- Work within and contribute to a team, apply management.

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