كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

Fourier and Wavelet analysisنتائج مقرر

3- Intended Learning Outcome :-

a- Knowledge and Understanding :-

Students who complete the course will have the ability to :-

a1-  Understand the differenc between Fourier Analysis and Wavelets.

a2- Understand and implement Fast Fourier Transform.

a3- Understand scaling functions, wavelets and filters.

a4- Understand multiresolution analysis.

a5- Understand principles of wavelet design.

b. Intellectual Skills :-

Students who complete the course will have the ability to :-

b1- Apply wavelets to real problems.

b2- Compute function decomposition and reconstruction.

b3- Compute orthogonal projections.

b4- Compute Fourier series and transforms.

c-Professional Skills :-

Knowledge of the concepts and material presented in this course will provide the students with practical know-how to :-

c1- describe mathematical ideas of harmonic analysis in computational theory of wavelets and signal processing.

c2- explain the idea of filter banks and their relation with sampling processes of signals.

c3- carry out multi-resolution analysis to aid wavelet construction.

c4- explain the concepts of orthogonal bases and compactly supported distributions in wavelet theory.

c5- perform the cascade algorithm in constructing wavelets from the two-scale equation.

d-General Skills :-

Knowledge of the concepts and material presented in this course will provide the students with the capability to :-

d1- Write clear & concise records.

d2- Read critically and write fluently for a range of audiences.

d3- Participate effectively in group discussion or debate. 

d4- Present clearly & effectively a scientific topic.

d5- Give accurate & clear oral summaries.

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