Scientific computing and Visualizationنتائج مقرر

3- Intended Learning Outcome ILOs :-

a- Knowledge and Understanding :-

a1- cover the basics of Matlab, which is an application for doing mathematical computation and visualizations.

a2- cover  the basics of matlab graphics, including making 2D and 3D visualizations.

b-Intellectual Skills :-

b1- work with matrices and matlab data types.

b2- display and saving images, importing data into matlab.

b3- Solve scientific problems based on the available data.

c-Professional Skills :-

c1- Methods for the computational solution.

c2- solving scientific problem s using available Tools.

c3- cover the basics of OpenMP programming in C and Fortran including how and when to add directives.

d-General Skills :-

d1- Develop and implement an algorithm to find a numerical solution of the problem.

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