كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

اساليب تقييم مقرر Computer Graphics systems

7- Student Assessment :-


a- Procedures used :-

6.1- Assignments: to assess progress on students Learning and effectiveness of course. 

6.2- Midterm exams to assess understanding of the concepts introduced.

6.3- Practical exam  to assess the design and implementation capabilities the student acquired during the course.             

6.4- Final exam to assess the overall understanding of the theoretical and practical concepts of the course.

6.5- Application project   to assess performance in which students carry out an activity or produce a product.

b- Schedule :-

Assessment 1                        Assignments                                    Week 3

Assessment 2                       Assignments                                    Week    5

Assessment 3                       Mid-Term exam                               Week    7

Assessment 4                       Assignments                                   Week    10

Assessment 5                       Oral and Practical exam                   Week    14

Assessment 6                       End of Term final Exam                   Week    15

c- Weighing of Assessment :-

Final-term Examination                                            65%

Oral and Practical Examination                                 10%

Mid-term Examination                                            15%

Semester Work                                                       10%

Other types of assessment                                         ---

Total                                                                   100 %

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