كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

نتائج مقرر Digital Signal Processing

3- Intended Learning Outcome :-

a- Knowledge and Understanding :-

a1-  Understand Mathematical tools relevant to digital signal processing.

a2-  Understand Fundamental technology concepts.

a3-  Understand adaptive filters and LMS algorithm.

a4-  Detect known signals in the presence of noise by hypothesis testing.

a5-  Demonstrate applications like echo cancellation, channel equalization, linear prediction, noise cancellation and filtering in communication.

b-Intellectual Skills :-

b1-  Derive the correlation and power spectrum of the output random process when a random process is filtered by a LTI system.

b2-  Estimate the power spectrum of random processes using parametric and non-parametric methods.

b3-  Estimate random and non-random parameters under noisy environment using different estimation criteria.

b4-  Design of Digital signal processing systems.

b5-  Design FIR and IIR filters.

c-Professional Skills :-

c1-  Implement signal modelling methods for different deterministic and random signals and compare their modelling error and speed.

c2-  Implement digital filters by hand and by using Matlab.

c3-  Analyze and process signals, and to simulate and analyze systems sound and image synthesis and analysis by using Matlab.

c4-  Evaluate and test the digital signal processing systems using simulation or computer - based tool.

c5-  Employ random processes and its classification through examples like ARMA and harmonic processes.

d-General Skills :-

d1-  Determine if a discrete time system is linear, time-invariant, causal, and memory-less.

d2-  Perform Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform transforms using the definitions, Tables of Standard Transforms and Properties.

d3-  Be capable of applying both traditional and new concepts and skills.

d4-  Work within and contribute to a team, apply management.

d5-  The ability to design and apply hardware solutions for computer work.

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