كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

قوائم مراجع مقرر CS514_Software Engineering

8- List of Textbooks and References :-

a- Course Notes :- ......

b- Required Books (Textbooks) :-

Introduction To Software Engineering, Ronald J. Leach, © 2004  ,CRC Press LLC, 0-8493-1445-3.

c- Recommended Books :-

  1. Software Engineering Processes, Principles and applications, Yingxu Wang, Graham King, © 2000 CRC Press LLC, 0-8493-2366-5.
  2. Software Engineering, Theory and Practice, Second Edition, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, © 2001, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 0-13-029049-1.

d- Periodicals, Web Sites, ..., etc. :-

IEEE transactions on computers and software, Related web sites.

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