كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

أساليب تقييم مقرر CS512_Data Structures

7- Student Assessment :-

a- Procedures used :-

  1. Quizzes (to assess understanding of data structure concepts).
  2. Mid-term Examination.
  3. Application Project (to assess design and implementation of Data structure using C++).
  4. Final Term Examination(to assess overall knowledge, problem solving, and intellectual skills).


b- Schedule :-

  • Assessment 1      Assignments             Week 3
  • Assessment 2      Assignments             Week 5
  • Assessment 3      Assignments             Week 10
  • Assessment 4      Final Exam               Week 16


c- Weighting of Assessment :-

Final-Term examination.


Semester Work.




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