مراجع مقرر رياضة 3

b-Required Books(Textbooks) :-

  • James R. Brannan: Clemson University, William E. Boyce: Rensselear Polytechnic Institute; "Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems"; John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ; 2010. "
  • B. P. Parashar; "Differential And Integral Equations; CBS Publishers & Distributers; Second Edition, 2008. Carmen Chicone, Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications, Springer; 2nd edition, 2006.
  • Alan Jeffry: University of Newcastle-upon Tyne; "Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists'; Nelson Canada Ltd; Second Edition; 1980.

c-Recommended Books :-

  • Murry R. Spiegel, Polytechnic Institute of Connecticut; "Theory and Problems of Advanced Mathematics", McGRAW-HILL Book Company; 1980.
  • Eugene Butkov: St. John's University; "Mathematical Physics"; ADDISON-WESLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY; 1973.
  • Frank Ayres, Dickinson College; "Theory and Problems of Differential and Integral Calculus", McGRAW-HILL, Inc; Second Edition; 1972.

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