توصيف مقررات الدراسات العليا لعلوم الحاسب

مقررات دبلوما Computer Science

مقررات دبلوما Computer Science

مقررات الماجيستير

مقررات الدكتوراة

 CS511_Computer Programing

Calculus_ Course specs

 Advanced Artificial Intelligence  Advanced Soft Computing_CS_PhD_CourseSpecs
CS512_Data Structures

Discrete Mathematics specs


Advanced Computer Graphics and Animation

 Kernel Methods in Bioinformatics_CS_PhD_CourseSpecs

CS513_Operating Systems

 Fundamentals of Web Programming specs  Advanced Mathematics and Algorithms  Research Directions in Software Engineering_CS_PhD_CourseSpecs
 CS514_Software Engineering  Introduction to Operations Research specs  Advanced Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation  Web Mining_CS_PhD_CourseSpecs

CS516_Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to Web Development specs

Advanced Software Engineering 

 Advanced Multi-Agents Systems_CS_PhD_CourseSpecs
CS516_Computer Security Techniques

Principles of Numerical Computations

Advanced Topics in Computer Scienence-1

 Advanced Text Processing_CS_PhD_CourseSpecs

CS517_Distributed Computing

Programming Applications in SC1

Advanced Topics in Computer Scienence-2   Advanced Topics in Computer Systems & Parallel Processing_CS_PhD_CourseSpecs
 Discrete Mathematics Server-Side Languages specs

Advanced Topics in Computer Systems

Research Directions in Image processing and Pattern Recognition_CS_PhD_CourseSpecs

Introduction to Operations Research

Web Administration specs

Computational Biology (2)  Research Topics in Computer Science-1_CS_PhD_CourseSpecs

IS512_Database Systms_ Course

Web Engineering specs

Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (2) Research Topics in Computer Science-2_CS_PhD_CourseSpecs

IT513_Computer Networks

 Web GUI Design specs High Performance Computing (2)


Principles of Numerical Computations

 Web Languages-I I specs Information Retrieval (2)


Programming Applications in SC1

 Web Languages-I specs Knowledge Management (2)


SC511_Calculus_ Course

 Web Programming - Client Technology specs  

Machine Learning




Network Security and Cryptography (2)




Research Methods and Skills


















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