كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

نتائج مقرر Advanced Topics in Computer Scienence-2

3- Intended Learning Outcome ILOs :-

a- Knowledge and Understanding :-

a1-Theories in the field of Computer science and  their related fields.

a2-fundamentals, and current state-of-the-art in the field of Computer science and  their related fields.

a3- Mutual influence between professional practice and its impacts on the environment.

b-Intellectual Skills :-

b1-  Analyze the information in the field of Artificial Intelligence and extract data from it.

b2- Evaluate the information in the field of Artificial Intelligence and measure its effectiveness.

b3- Analyze the information in the field of Machine Learning and Data Mining and extract data from it.

b4-Carry out new research studies in the field of computer science.

b5- Write scientific papers in the field of computer science.

b6- Assess risks in professional computer science practices

c-Professional Skills :-

c1- Write professional reports related to the field of computer science.

C2- Evaluate professional reports related to the field of computer science.

d-General Skills :-

d1- Manage time efficiently.

d2- Use continuous and Self-learning.

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