كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

محتويات مقرر Computational Cognitive Science

 Course Content :-

  • Foundations of Inductive Learning.
  • Knowledge Representation: Spaces, Trees, Features.
  • Knowledge Representation: Language and Logic.
  • Knowledge Representation: Great Debates.
  • Basic Bayesian Inference.
  • Graphical Models and Bayes Nets.
  • Simple Bayesian Learning.
  • Probabilistic Models for Concept Learning and Categorization.
  • Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning.
  • Non-parametric Classification: Exemplar Models and Neural Networks.
  • Controlling Complexity and Occam's Razor.
  • Intuitive Biology and the Role of Theories.
  • Learning Domain Structures.
  • Project Presentations.

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