a- Knowledge and Understanding :-
On completing this course, students will be able to :-
a1- Identify the basic concepts of object-oriented databases.
a2- Differentiate between relational and object oriented databases.
a3- Describe the different approaches for implementing object-oriented database management systems.
a4- Determine the legal and ethical principles for using available software.
b-Intellectual Skills :-
At the end of this course, the students will be able to :-
b1- Appraise when to use the object-oriented databases.
b2- Model the world according to the object-oriented model.
b3- Write object-oriented queries to extract the intended data from the model.
c-Professional Skills :-
On completing this course, the students are expected to be able to :-
c1- Design object-oriented database.
c2- Using different object-oriented databases implementations.
c3- Use CAS Applications (e.g. CASE-computer aided software engineering, CAD-computer aided design, CAM-computer aided manufacture).
c4- Query different object- oriented database systems.
d-General Skills :-
At the end of this course, the students will be able to :-
d1- Read and present academic papers
d2- Work in a team.