كلية الحاسبات والذكاء الإصطناعى

Algorithmic Graph Theoryاساليب تقييم مقرر

7- Student Assessment :-


a- Procedures used :-

1- Open discussion & Class activities : To assess the student progress and the personal altitude.

2- Every week assignment : To assess the current understanding of lectures.

3- Mid-term exam for one hour : To assess the progress of the students along the Mid - Semester.

4- Project : To assess the ability of understanding and solving practical problems.

5- Three hour examination during the final exam period : To assess the ability of understanding, remember and assessing.

b- Schedule :-

One lecture/week.

c-Weighing of Assessment :-

Course work                                            40

Final                                                       60

Total                                                      100

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